A forum for New Hampshire's rivers and watersheds and the people who love them
President’s Message
President’s Message

President’s Message

As the days are shorter and the water grows cooler, I am reflecting on events and accomplishments in the last several months.

First, you, New Hampshire Rivers Council members, Wild & Scenic® Film Festival sponsors, and supporters have made everything happen. Your membership renewals and generous gifts during this spring’s New Hampshire Gives have made so much possible including leveraging grants to begin a nutrient reduction project in the Winnicut River, which is in the Great Bay watershed where nitrogen loading is a serious issue.

We have worked with the City of Manchester to provide funding to complete the culvert clean-out in the McQuesten watershed. We assisted the NH Department of Environmental Services with monitoring (it always turns out to be the hottest day of the summer) in the restored Black Brook watershed in Manchester while continuing our similar work at McQuesten.

We continue to serve on boards, commissions, and committees to ensure that rivers and their watersheds are at the forefront of setting policy in New Hampshire and nationally.

Most recently, we worked with Rep. Rosemarie Rung to add the New Hampshire Rivers Council to her visionary cyanobacteria (harmful algal bloom) study commission bill. We testified at the legislative hearings and worked to build support for the bill. The timing could not be more appropriate given the confirmation that the Blackwater River in Webster has a confirmed cyanobacteria site. We are working with the Department of Environmental Services to conduct follow-up monitoring and to serve on the HB 1066 study committee. We are providing concerned citizens with information about the possible cause and what they can do.

This describes how we work: we provide state level policy and work with citizens at the local level to restore and manage river watersheds.”

Thank you for your belief in and support of our shared mission. Please join by clicking here.

Michele L. Tremblay, President, Board of Directors